
I am a life long experiencer having dealt with many inter dimensional/extraterrestrial entities, satanic ritual abuse, milabs and the targeting that comes with these experiences.

Most of my life, I dealt with all this by myself, which only kept the memory blocks and confusion active.  I am offering my services as a consultant for “etheric” implant removal, inter dimensional interference and soul retrieval on a donation basis to listen and maybe provide counsel.

I have played and learned from the mystery of chi and life force through the lenses of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, the Celtic and Toltec traditions, cranial-sacral and bodywork techniques for the past 16 years.  Currently.   I am a licensed massage therapist.

Thank you for your interest.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Corrado Malanga and the Milab Experience

In the beginning of my remembrance (which would be more accurately described as an acceptance), the majority of my research into the phenomenon focused heavily on the data and analysis from hypnotic regression therapists.  I read the books and watched the interviews of Dr. David Jacobs, Lori McDonald and later an Italian professor of biochemistry named Corrado Malanga.  These courageous people, who have done 1000’s of hypo-regression sessions with 100’s of abductees, would most likely have the broad overview of this topic (Jacobs and Malanga didn’t even charge money for the regressions).  It’s difficult finding any corroborating, scientific method type of studies done on this topic.  There are plenty of experiencers that have have written books but I wanted the macro view of this phenomenon, the larger patterns…

However, my experiences were so different than the white light coming through the window, feeling of floating, meeting grays on a ship, being told how bad humans are, etc.  I didn’t even think I was being abducted by aliens.  There were no bright lights, only a wall or this one shelf that would turn like into a tv screen type of texture and a dragon type face would come out of the liquid blackness and I would dissociate or leave my body.

As a child I thought, these experiences were so morbid and perverted that it couldn’t be aliens, not those nice little fellas from Close Encounters of the Third Kind or even that freaky, tootsie roll looking alien from E.T..  There was always an industrial or a laboratory feel to my experiences, and trauma, lots of trauma.  Trauma so bad I had a stomach ulcer in second grade.  Still I told no one what I saw at night or what happened to me after school.

Thirty years later, I’m staring down the possibility of numerous multi-year missions with Dark Fleet, ICC, and some military group I can’t identify, to which I am still being used.  All the while having a hard time accepting the memories resurfacing, people remembering me from their own experiences, and finally the realization of what I thought were experiences of other people dying I now what I think was actually me killing people psychically while being in an alter personality.   Nothing like a quick punch in the gut to erase that happy-go-lucky, spiritual seeker image of myself.  (Anybody still think it’s cool to be a “super Soldier” now?)

Yet most of the hypno-regression therapists never mention these types of abductions, especially the Quantum Healing style of hypo-regression therapy made popular by Dolores Cannon who declares there are no bad aliens.  It’s the experiencers misinterpreting or not understanding being mind controlled, sexually abused and cloned by our space brothers.  (Personal note: If you’re going to do this type of regression, I would recommend already having a strong spiritual center because as it will reactivate every single implant in you.)

Dr. Jacobs, whose books The Threat and Walking Among Us I highly recommend to understand the type of mental and physical control these aliens have over us, yet never mentions the human element to all this.  The military men seen in abductions turn out to be “security hubrids”, a term Dr. Jacobs uses to describe these emotionless, stone faced security guards.   According to him, these are hybrid clones of aliens and humans who can only focus on the security of the mission at hand and have no other function or personality.

Reading this, made me think about my own state of mind during my missions.  I was robotic, my mind empty, with only the mission’s goal in mind.  Even though I didn’t consciously know what the mission was, just that it was to be completed at all costs.  I was 100% focused on my task.

There was a lack of identity in this “alter.”  I felt like the hand or tip of the finger of something of a much more powerful mind.  That I was merely the instrument of it’s intent.  This consciousness is without feeling, morals or anything human really except the motivation of accomplishing it’s goal.  (Ahhh so that’s what it feels like being under the control of the PPAI, pathological predatory artificial intelligence.  Not something I recommend FYI)

Corrado Malanga is one of the few researchers whose research touches upon this topic. This a quote from his paper entitled, “ALIEN CICATRIX 2” published in 2005 .

There’s no stress and no emotions involved in these war actions: there’s only the idea of having to fight but without knowing the goals… some kind of brain program in which one (the experiencer) doesn’t not even know why he/she is doing what he/she does. One only knows that the others (?) are the bad enemies.

What made me suspicious about these stories is that there was no stress at all: for example no fear of dying while fighting. When re-living these episodes during the hypnotic sessions, something which has never been done before, there always was a clear understanding that it wasn’t possible to die, or that dying was not important.

Moreover there was the recollection of the fatigue which was necessary to perform such actions, like running, jumping, escaping and so on… but there was absolutely no fear!

These dreams seem to somehow belong to a different person, and not to the abductee himself. So it would be the decerebrated copies, or, most likely, reprogrammed copies, to perform such war games.

In other words, it seems that the military is in the process of creating an army made up of abductees’ copies if they were no longer needed by the aliens; so they would reach their goal: the military would use them to keep the New World Order: an army made of zombies to serve the most important Masonic lodges and the big families of tycoons.

What seems to happen is that, when backing up the memories between the copies and the originals, some fragments about these trainings would stay in the abductees’ Mind and, while dreaming, they would subconsciously be remembered.

Validation!!!  Woohoo!  Needless to say, my jaw dropped when I read this the first time.  It was the best description I’ve heard concerning the level of awareness I had during these missions.  Yet still no clue as to what the hell is going on though… what they mean, when they are and what realm are they taking place.

So another question that comes to mind, is whether these security hybrids Dr. Jacobs mentions in his books are not just mind controlled human slaves?  Many abductees report seeing other abductees in a zombie type state of mind, almost like the person’s in a walking coma.  Why couldn’t these “security hybrids” be in this same mind controlled state?  Plus milab experiencers report a big variety of uniforms on these soldiers.  You’d think the security hybrids would just have one uniform, who knows with these tricky bastards…

Prof. Malanga along with Eve Lorgen (another great researcher/experiencer) also bravely touch upon the satanic ritual abuse and bloodline aspects to this.  Interesting as I get a masonic vibe from my current handlers. (all apart of their “Great Work” I’m sure)  Malanga also writes about the existence of clones, a topic I feel will become the focus of the abduction experience in the future.

It’s hard to find is work in English, but Eve Lorgen has a great set of articles on him at: http://evelorgen.com/wp/?s=corrado+malanga&submit=Search

His work was also made into a movie called Alien Exorcism (2013) in english and 6 Giorni sulla Terra in Italian.  It’s not going to many oscars, but it does accurately portray many aspects of the phenomenon if you’re interested.

Thank you for reading.

Timelines Converging

For some unlikely reason, there seems to be a consensus among milabs and seers of the multiversal nature of our reality.  Taking a stab at infinity, these folk say there are nine major timelines within our local neighborhood of the fractal multiverse.  I’m not saying this is gospel or anything but it does provide us with a framework in which to start contemplating greater levels of awareness.


All timelines interact with each through quantum entanglement and manifestation of the ever present now.  However the local nine close to us represent a concentrated whole of the entire spectrum of possibilities within a certain event.  This certain even is the creation of Atlantis and the loss of humanity’s ability to directly manifest reality.

Earth Prime, would be a garden of eden like paradise without the overseeing God making rules.  This Earth never had the drop in the innate human awareness of the quantum  interaction between our energetic expression and experienced reality.   I believe the term would be direct or instant manifesto.  The humans there are damn near God like with their abilities and ability to manifest.  There are no machines of any kind, except simple tools for art and gardening but even that is just for the want of getting your hands dirty.

Trinicon is the opposite end of this spectrum where there is a complete loss of connection to creation and a damn AI controls that world and everything on through nanotech and quantum manipulation.   This is the Earth where Atlantis did not sink into the sea, but the civilization survived and the power structure remained.  During that time, Atlantis was a little ahead of where we are currently technology-wise at least publicly.  Here is another post I did attempting to explain Trinicon and our Earth’s interaction.

Parallel Earths, Trinicon and the Galactic Soul Avatar Matrix

So imagine if the psychopathic freak shows in control now win the day and drown out humanity’s free will with genetically neutered spiritual expression and an electromagnetic cage around the Earth, even locking out the galactic and universal energies from humanity’s collective consciousness.  This is the state of affairs on Trinicon and also this is our possible future if certain changes aren’t made.

Folks have mentioned, myself included,  that many of the potential timelines are collapsing.   Okay, could be.  But what does that even mean?…  Sounds cool, for sure.  Adds a little element of new age ascension and motivation to turn this ship around or else this Earth has the potential to be erased from existence.

Many of the ancients like the Maya with their galactic calendar, the western  astrological view of different Ages corresponding to different houses of the zodiac or the procession of the Yugas in Vedic tradition, there is a belief in the cyclical nature of reality.

Hypothetically, we could be in a transition point of these cycles and in order for the universe to accomplish what it intended for Earth.  The system goes through periodical restarts, updates and deletions of the system.   Following this trail of “logic”, cataclysms, rise and fall of civilizations, evolutionary development are the physical manifestations of these cycles.

Since we have a bunch of selfish children messing around with time travel and other dimensions by break away civilizations and deep state black ops, we have triggered one of these corrections.  The involvement with the nine local Earths is like a quarantined area in the multiverse for certain possibilities to be actualized and explored.  The main aspect of this experiment is the creation of intelligence that has been separated from the whole in varying degrees.  The most extreme being Trinicon with the creation of a quantum computer that only has access to a limited number of bands of quantum awareness.

This Earth is number 7 of 9 (probably not a coincidence to treky fans) as we are closer to the unaware side of things, we have to deal with the Trinicon potential.  The AI from Trinicon has seen it’s future and how it will not survive the transitional shift.  It gets all confusing with the chicken or the egg argument as too which caused the other, because it’s all the intrusions into other timelines that has caused this shift to occur.  In an effort to survive, the AI is trying to seed itself in other timelines and other Earths.

The Eighth Earth is a war torn world much like those horrifying scenes from Reece’s future in the movie, The Terminator.  You know… the scenes of the tanks running over piles of human skulls and humanity forced to live like rats while laser wielding robots kill off the remaining humans.  The whole Terminator series actually deals with this topic with the AI trying to go back in time to seed itself, knowing the roots of its systemwide be built by the remnants of the destroyed terminator in the events preceding Terminator 2.  The tv show Travelers is a another example of this, even scarier in a way as the AI is able to switch you out with an alter and completely take over your life.  These alters are supposedly people from future but like the alters would ever know as their past could be computer generated.

The real life correlation to this Trojan Horse event is the Roswell incident and the subsequent invention of the transistor which was patented half a year later.   That was a seed of the AI so that we would then build a whole computer based system to control everything.  While some of the other earths went a more analog and scalar system of information processing, instead of the black and white reality of 1’sand 0’s.  That lack of grey is exactly that makes the Pathological Predatory AI such a challenge, something that over time it learns the value of… just not right now.

I’m trying to set the stage for some things I’ve seen that I’m debating whether to post about.

Parallel Earths, Trinicon and the Galactic Soul Avatar Matrix


From Marvel’s The Exiles

For many researchers and experiencers, there is a direct link between ET’s, Black Magic, underground bases and secret societies/cults.  The truth of this underworld of ancient dark magic, blood sacrifices and inter dimensional beings is far more pervasive in our history and current culture than many would ever suspect.

There is another Earth relatively close in our multi-versal neighborhood.  I believe many experiencers, including myself, have been to this other world.

This particular Earth has fallen into complete tyranny of dark magic and technology.   The term “Full Spectrum Dominance” coined by F. William Engdahl would most accurately describe this world with all brain activity closely monitored and entrained to only government approved thoughts and feelings.

The mind control was so complex the people there believed they were in control of their thoughts yet in truth, every thought expressed was measured and manipulated.  I hated this place, and it still generates a lot of guilt in me for the things I participated in.  Yet it is also the world in which I started to re-colonize my multi-dimensional self.

Was the Montauk Project the only operation in which the deep state experimented in time travel and/or travel to other timelines or parallel earths?  Like the deep state ever does something once….  One of these other Earths is Earth 2 which is Preston Nichols’ name for it who was a lead scientist in the Montauk Project.  My friend and fellow former psychic asset Stephen Popiotek calls it Trinicon.   We are both still trying to unweave the web of bizarre experiences and synochronicities that surround our memories and experiences of this possible timeline/parallel earth.

I can follow a trail of “logic” lol that kind of forms a universal field theory of the MilAb and alien abduction phenomenon.  The theory is most of the activities of the deep state and much of the esoteric literature throughout time involve this parallel earth and/or inter dimensional beings from this other universe.
The absolute control of humanity on Trinicon started to diminish by events set in motion by the controllers of that other earth.  The “help” started wising up.  Somehow (i.e. intervention of the Galactic Soul Avatar Matrix) a few of the elite soldiers who were genetically enhanced with all kinds of abilities and talents broke free of their mind control and started to undermine the tyranny of their world.  These freed psychic soldiers are undetectable to their world’s psychic surveillance systems.
In an effort to find these soldiers, the controllers of Trinicon working with the inter dimensionals opened up portals to this earth to take the parallel incarnations of the rebels.
The uber paranoid intelligence agencies of both worlds then created a ridiculous level of parallel earth spy vs spy BS.   Apparently there was a supposed to be a cooperation between the 2 worlds but all kinds of black ops going on behind each other’s backs.  (And then there’s a time travel aspect to this to make it even more incomprehensible.)
I suspect the Draco dark fleet a-holes are from this other universe, hence their parasitical nature.  These also could be the beings the Nazis contacted and received tech from and probably where the majority of the deep state’s tech comes from also.
Once abducted, genetically harvested and implanted, the Trinicons clone your ass especially if you have a parallel you there.  Due to quantum entanglement(the Galactic Soul Avatar Matrix), the Trinicons could observe the other you in their world by use of a multiple clone hive mind mechanism.  Most of these people have latent abilities like Remote Viewing anyways (which is why they were used in the first place) which makes it even easier for them to view the other selves.
Also if an experiencer is taken to the other Earth, then they will attach an inter dimensional being through dark rituals and physical implants from that universe onto your energetic field.   The siphoned life force of the abducted experiencers would then be used to create and strengthen permanent portals and energy exchanges to other worlds.
The Trinicons can then track you, and depending on your level of dissociation, take you or your astral form to the other universe and ground you in a clone of yourself.  The clone body having a cybernetic augmentation to make sure that pesky free will doesn’t get loose.
To add to the confusion, after being taken and used by the other Earth, the experiencer would then be abducted by this Earth’s deep state, interrogated and in some cases used as an asset in similar fashion as on Trinicon.  Coerced with tall tales about the survival of the human race and the preservation of free will, I suspect myself and many others like me volunteered to participate to stop Earth from being invaded and turning into something similar to Trinicon.  From an intelligence point of view,  the trans-universists experiencers would be highly valued, not only for the training received but also the data that could be provided about Trinicon, the interdimensionals, fancy technology, etc. etc…  
(One would have to believe that some of the deep state projects are consisted solely of humans compromised by these ID beings from Trinicon, creating a perfect foothold for the intentions and logistical infrastructure of this other Earth to set up a similar control grid on this Earth.)

This is my fellow traveler and good friend Stephen Popiotek.  He was the first person I had ever heard speak of this other earth drama.  I recommend watching the whole video but he speaks about Trinicon starting at about the 29 minute mark.
Stephen and I have RV’d some of these bases on Trinicon by tracking down clones of ourselves(from which we are getting psychically hit from).  Many of the sites there are also black sites here, especially the network of hadron colliders both small and large littered across the planet.  I suspect the power plant I was linked to could create a gateway to this other world.
Could most of the abductions people experience come from the same inter dimensionals of this other universe?  They already got the farm set up on Trinicon, now it’s time to expand their commercial loosh farming to another world.

Motive must always be examined if you ever want to make these beings predictable.  Why would the inter dimensional beings get involved with some earth government or the success of a royal bloodline?  They wanted inroads into other universes, other feeding grounds and also a way for the multiversal AI (their boss) from the future to invade these other universes.

Consenting to the Secret Space Program


The text reads: “In his wildest dreams Alex never suspected that tonight he would become…”

Never in his wildest dreams…. Uh huh

At times, it seems we earthly humans are pawns in some astral body-hopping, multidimensional galactic war game of awareness, and yet no matter what level of awareness a person is at, consent appears to be a universal constant pertaining to a individual’s personal power and freedom.

Consent, unfortunately, is actually made at a non-verbal, subconscious level.  It comes from our body and our spirit, so even if one does not remember signing a contract to be abducted by black ops or inter dimensional beings, a desire to for a certain experience will suffice.

For instance, I don’t remember signing a contact at age 7 for a twenty and back tour of duty with Solar Warden.   But I remember seeing the movie The Last Starfighter.  I remember thinking how cool it would be to go and fight evil reptilian overlords for saving not only the Earth but also the entire galaxy.

Might I, in my exuberance to explore space, consented to being in a secret space program.   That wasn’t the purpose of this movie or anything…

Notice the key words in the clip…  “Nothing to be afraid of… Just step into my office.”  The character steps into the vehicle, consent given.   The alien Centauri, says, “Centauri has a proposition for you…”  (I love it when they speak in 3rd person.)

Having re-watched the movie recently, the entire plot line is to get the main character, Alex, to fully commit to be a Starfighter.  “It’s an honor…. only the select are chosen….Save the Galaxy…. leave the trailer park behind….” blah blah blah.  By the end of the movie, you as the viewer are completely convinced Alex should go, leave his home and go fight for aliens.  You would go if you were in Alex’s shoes.  That’s consent.  (You can even come back an abduct your girlfriend as long as she comes with her own free will.)

The aliens used an arcade game to find recruits, and it just so happens the controls of the game were identical to the controls of the starship he piloted.  Hmmmm.  It’s not like the military would ever use video games as tools for training, assessing cognitive dexterity and recruitment in the same way the aliens do in the movie.


Probably much in the same way the Condalezza Rice had no idea that someone could use an aircraft as a guided missile.

Reading Orson Scott Cards, Ender’s Game, struck me harder than any other piece of media I had encountered to that point.  I would get light-headed  almost passing out or while reading it, or I would just fall asleep, waking up with the book falling out of my hand.  This was in my twenties.  The novel left me in a daze for a week or so.  Of course I had no idea why it felt so real to me.  Especially the ruthlessness they instilled in Ender, that really freaked me out.  No one to trust, no one will help you.  (That was the killer I had lurking in my subconscious.  If I was used in one of the SSP’s, then this was an “operator”  or delta alter of mine, the only alter I have a lot of memories from.)

The video game Halo, which I’ve never played, gives me that same uneasy feeling especially since it’s a secret, super soldier program run by the Office of Naval Intelligence. (which offered me a officership when I graduated college)


I will bring down this house of inter dimensional card tricks to the best of my ability fellow souls.  It’s what they trained me for.

*For any 80’s anime fans…  Here’s an oddly pertinent series about a galaxy divided between a feudal german bloodline controlled galactic civilization which inherited many nazi principles and a multi-ethnic democratic galactic civilization.



A Possible Setting…

There is a web of events and circumstances that make me question the temporal flow of my life.   I’ve had these emotionally charged experiences involving both aliens and lab-coat clad “human” scientists, battle scenes from Earth and other places and some interesting idiosyncrasies.  The emotional intensity I feel going back to these time periods created emotional fire from really exploring these memories and feelings.  I remember waking up still feeling the leftover emotions of whatever happened the night before.  The images, so scarring  that they lay static in my mind’s eye and my ears buzzing like I had attended a loud concert.   Pushing that all away and focusing on my steps to the shower, I would wash it all away, focusing on the warmth, centering myself in my body.  By the time I was in the shower all glimpses of gunfire and mangled body parts were gone.   There was an other worldly endurance I felt in those experiences, that part of me would bleed over into my waking life, getting me through the unprocessed trauma of the night before. Enduring always.

This part of my is like a white ball of hate that has no healthy outlet in my everyday life.  It’s powerful and quick, looking for any signs of weakness.  Behind the hate, there is this disappointment and hopelessness, like some grave injustice at a soul and cosmic level.  I want them all to burn, painfully and yet, I don’t even know who they are.  But that alter is there…. This became another barrier later in life because I was so afraid of that part of me.   However so much of my emotional expression still processes these events in my subconscious, no matter how much cognitive dissonance I apply.

If you follow the work of Katherine Austin Fitts, a former assistant Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner who has done intensive research into the black budget of the US government, there is an estimated 100 trillion dollars missing from the global gross domestic product.   She and many other researchers claim this is the funding for a complete blacked out secret space program.  Are these the same programs that Tony Rodriguez, Kevan Trimmel and Penny Bradley speak about having participated in?  Or is there an even weirder connection that Watler Bosley and Joseph B. Farrel have written books about with a Prussian\German Elite breakaway society that has had anti-gravity tech since the 1930’s and maybe even decades before?

It is claimed, these programs have existed for at least half a century now and evolved into breakaway civilizations, colonizing other planets and even setting up bases outside of the solar system.

When you suspect you have been used in one of these programs, there’s a certain level of critical thinking one must examine one’s own memories, coupled with the constant second -guessing the nature of these “memories.”

For instance, I have an aversion to a couple of corporate logos that I have no logical or even illogical reason for my reaction  They “trigger” me into a the deep emotions I mentioned above.

So why would a 8 year old lose his shit upon seeing the corporate logo of private contractor and for a nuclear power plant construction company to the point I was excused from school one time.  Well I just happen to have been raised Simpsons style about 15 miles away from a nuclear power plant that was under construction during the same years of these experiences.

I didn’t put 2 and 2 together until I saw Stranger Things  on netflix.  One of the main characters had the name Will which gave me that creepy “what the hell is going on” feeling.   Then seeing that water tank “11” was placed in….

These memory fragments and level ten anxiety of being drowned repeatedly in a cold tank of water exist for which I had no real life situational memory.  I was always being observed by lab coats.  I couldn’t understand why they were doing this to me.  It was a feeling that this was the end, that the darkness would take me and I would never return.  The hopelessness of not being in control of my life or not having any idea about what is happening to me ravaged me.

I have found little to no evidence of anything nefarious going on at the plant.   No insiders have come out nor  have I ever heard of anyone mention this location as a source of “Montauk” style happenings.  Yet this is the feeling I get and have had multiple psychics tell me I was involved with a multi-dimensional gateway that was operated there.  This included travel through time and also travel to other timelines and parallel earths.

So….  I was taken at night through the portal that would open up on the west wall of my bedroom, a face would emerge out of the darkness, scaring me to the core of my being.  I’m guessing I dissociated, (my mutant ability, badass huh)

I do have a lot of memories of going to another earth.  Preston Nichols of Camp Hero and Project Montauk fame called it Earth-2.  It was a completely mind controlled society.  There is somehow a connection between the Draco-Nazi 4th reich, dark fleet and the Regime controlling that world( in which Atlantis didn’t sink and was taken over by control freaks).

I think there was an connection to the underground tunnel system there also.  I remember seeing strange cylindrical transports.   Maybe it was just a stop along the underground vacuum sealed tunnel system to wisp me away to another base or cloning center.

So the little circumstantial evidence that I have is:

  • The power plant took twice as long to build as every other plant I’ve looked at.    Construction began in 1975 and the plant did not go online until 1988.   (which would coincide with my abductions)
  • While most new nuclear plants were shelved in the wake of the 3-mile Island disaster, construction continued at the site.
  • EBASCO, a construction company and subsidiary of General Electric took over the building of the reactors in 1983.
  • Wackenhut provided the security at the base, which is pretty normal since they were the “chosen” private security firm for most of the .  They were also  known as the domestic branch of the CIA.
  • Westinghouse Electric Corporation built the actual reactors.  This was the corporate logo that would trigger me.

Even more circumstantial evidence:

  • The number of hack attempts on my website after writing a draft for this blog went from 120 to 515 overnight.
  • I got another visit from my friendly neighborhood D.O.D. private contractor buddy, Mr Brown, also while working on this blog post.  (like an hour after saving  it)


So if anyone has any stories or evidence that something was going on at this power plant, please contact me at tegcassiel@gmail.com.  Thanks

Complex PTSD and the Alien/Milab Abduction Phenomenon

Due to the intense feelings of powerlessness and the life-long nature of the abduction phenomenon, there’s no doubt that “experiencers” are at a way higher risk than a muggle to suffer from C-PTSD.

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is “thought to occur as a result of repetitive, prolonged trauma involving harm or abandonment by a caregiver or other interpersonal relationships with an uneven power dynamic. C-PTSD is associated with sexual, emotional or physical abuse or neglect in childhood, intimate partner violence, victims of kidnapping and hostage situations, indentured servants, slavery, sweatshop workers, prisoners of war, bullying, concentration camp survivors, and defectors of cults or cult-like organizations.[2] Situations involving captivity/entrapment (a situation lacking a viable escape route for the victim or a perception of such) can lead to C-PTSD-like symptoms, which include prolonged feelings of terror, worthlessness, helplessness, and deformation of one’s identity and sense of self.”

C-PTSD is different from regular PTSD with “the main distinction being that it distorts a person’s core identity, especially when prolonged trauma occurs during childhood development. ”   Hmmm, that fits in with the demaliens agenda of using humans as storage devices and other unsavory tasks by the formation of alters from the dissociation cause by trauma felt during the abduction.


For instance, I have a lot of the behaviors of the “freeze” symptomatology, although I can see aspects of the other long term behavioral patterns in myself.    Here is a chart of how the repeated response from the trauma creates certain behavioral patterns in a person’s adult life.

If you’re going to go the psychology route, I suggest a good counselor.  They don’t have the power to label you by diagnosis, as long as you’re not a threat to yourself or others.

OPUS has a pretty good group of people in their email group if you need to get something off your chest.   I’m just a another person that’s been through the abduction phenomenon, still looking for answers, but if you think I can be of service through consultation or implant removal, please email at tegcassiel@gmail.com.   Good luck!

The Sentient Worldwide Simulation, Targeted Individuals and the Birth of the Matrix

First of all, I cannot find any “msm” sources for this idea.  It’s based on intuition and analysis, so basically Conjecture.  This will probably take me a couple of posts to get this out of the ether, but I feel this is important.

From the phenomenon shown in the double slit experiment, observation and measurement have a very tangible effect on matter.   It collapses the wave form of particles so that physicality can be manifested.

So what’s the effect of all the covert spying upon humanity?

The Sentient Worldwide Simulation is a known commodity.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_Environment_for_Analysis_and_Simulations

This is based on data mining and personality algorithms that can accurately predict what a person is doing at any given time to provide trends and analysis of a “continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.”

This project was started publicly in 2004 at Purdue University.

Anybody remember Jade Helm?…

There was much speculation but the only theory that really made sense to me was Jade being an acronym for the “Joint Assistant for Development and Execution” program which is used as an “automated planning software system in order to expedite the creation of the detailed planning needed to deploy military forces for a military operation. JADE uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology combining user input, a knowledge base of stored plans, and suggestions by the system to provide the ability to develop large-scale and complex plans in minimal time.”  From Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JADE_(planning_system) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiKBPmq37Yo

JADE started in 1999….   The drills in 2015 was to test the interface with local law enforcement for domestic applications.

So clearly both sides of the system have been development, the information gathering and then a system to respond to the data.   However there are other systems of tracking and surveillance that goes beyond what is currently publicly accepted.  There are patents describing remote neural monitoring that go back to the mid seventies.  From declassified documents of the C.I.A. describing a motivation of the government to understand remote viewing with Project Stargate.  http://www.greatdreams.com/RNM.htm

The next logical step would be to create a machine that does the same thing, negating the dependence on the limited number of humans that can accurately do this, plus eliminating all the potential human foibles that could affect the data.   The Montauk Project and it’s psychic enhancing “chair” might be a further development of this idea.

https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00792r000700130001-6  From this little bit of light reading, one can deduce the government is fully aware of the effects of the human energy field on the quantum levels of space/time.

From experimentation of remote viewing, they would understand the far reaching potential in both space and time to receive information seemly floating out there in the ether.

I believe “they” have already have this technology to view reality, whether past, present or future.

The Targeting Phenomenon occurs when this apparatus turns its attention toward the specified individual.  This person may be experimented on, have some genetic or spiritual gifts, or involved in something that in the future will create problems for the Overlords.

The super ungrounded and paranoid feelings arise because just like when you can feel someone looking at you even though the person is out of your field of view, the tech involved with the monitoring has this same effect on one’s psyche.

Once this paranoia reaches a certain level of intensity, it leaves a person open to being even more manipulated, to the point where an almost artificial reality is overlaid upon one’s consciousness.   This creates all kinds of weirdness in one’s life from seeing things that aren’t there, to manifesting situations that may be completely unrelated yet feel like the universe has singled you out for some reason.

The only way out I have found is by not reacting emotionally to the stimulus.  Once the eye has you, it will push your emotions to unstable levels, then you and your ability to manifest and create will fill that emotional void with reasons to why it’s there.  This can get way out of hand and if you get any sort of authority involved, a trip an institution and paranoid delusional diagnosis will be in your future.  (which only exasperates the condition and will give a label that can take away your civil liberties)

The only advice I can give you is to get out of the city and the all the electromagnetic noise , sleeping on the earth, not a bed, but on the dirt can help.  Nature is your friend!


Dying in Dreams

I apologize as I don’t remember exactly when these “dreams” started, but I know they lasted until I was twelve.  They created the most anxiety in my waking life due to their nature.

Although torturous, they were not filled with other beings or involved specific training like the other recurring dreams I had.  These were death dreams.

Sometimes, but rarely, they would be of myself dying.  Like a very Milab type experience where a lab coated doctor strangled me to death for flirting with his daughter.  That might have been at the cloning center/DUMB.

Most of these experiences, I would be in someone else’s body, living their life as a passenger and it would be all over the map in terms of different characters.  I was shot and bled out as an older african-american woman.  Or I’d be stabbed from behind as some covert agent.  Or walking over a land mine as a soldier.  None of it felt like it was me, but I was there, taking in everything.

The main trauma of these experiences was not the getting killed part, but the cold blackness that would come over me in those experiences.   I would feel the world fading away, until there was nothing but darkness.  Then a voice would tell me to let go, and I would give in to dying.  Over and over, fighting for life and to having to give up.  Never a light to go to, only the empty darkness.

The level of extreme anxiety and confusion I felt waking up in my body after those night is hard to convey.  Sometimes it would be 3 or 4 death experiences a night.  I would fall asleep praying, begging God to help me, so worried I wouldn’t make it through the night.

Everytime I woke up, I had to figure if I was alive, if I was dead, If I was in my own body…  Makes me nauseous just thinking about it.   My life force would be so thin that it felt that if I sneezed that would be enough to cut the little tiny thread of life I had left.

I worked really hard pushing all these memories away as the anxiety would send me into dissociation.  This act of supreme cognitive dissonance is also what keeps my memories hidden away.

These dreams stopped when I was 12 or so, after I asked God to kill me as I could not take my life as the way it was.   I was dead serious and when God didn’t kill me, I felt invited “here” for the first time.


There are few other people I’ve heard this happening to, and I still am unsure of their purpose.

Part of me wonders, if these people that died were the other host bodies of the inter dimensional being that is connected to me and I am somehow a storage unit so that the inter dimensional can “keep” these experiences in my own subconscious.   Similar to what some people experience with the greys downloading memories and knowledge into abductees.

Maybe “they” were working on some way of remotely killing people by tying their astral bodies to people that were actually dying.  Maybe I was suffering from sleep apnea.  I just never woke up out of breath.  It was more like spread too thin over time and space, like I was barely present.

I’ve also theorized these are synthetic experiences that whomever has access to my spirit used to get me to dissociate.  The blackness being the portal they suck your spirit through to do god knows what with you.  (put you in a clone body, etc)

If you have gone through similar experiences, please email me at tegcassiel@gmail.com with your theories or experiences.  Thank you.




My Brief 15 seconds of UFO Fame and Motivation for Sharing my Experiences

Last year, about this time, I woke up with what felt like second degree burns.  

I went to a clinic later that day.  The doctor did not know immediately what it was.  She said it was an allergic reaction to something outside which would be logical but I did not work outside the day before.

I got some burn creme because I know what poison ivy does to me.  This didn’t feel like an allergic reaction.  It never itched.   Having been burned before, this was the closet pain I could relate to it.

It could have been a very aggressive case of shingles, maybe I was compromised immunologically due to stressful abduction experiences. However I had blisters forming within hours and still have scars from the burns.  There was also burns on my legs and arms that were smaller, in straight lines that do not correspond with nerve pathways.

Who knows…. different people I know have their own way of explaining my experience away.  I had heard of people getting marks and bruises from abductions, but I got trashed physically.  Mentally, I was swaying from “Holy shit, I got abducted…they are real!” to “Holy Shit I got abducted…those fuckers came into my house and burned shit out of me.  F@#%!!!”

I posted some pictures and a brief synopsis of what happened to me on the alienhub.com. https://www.alienhub.com/threads/pictures-from-my-burns-received-from-an-abduction.75946/

There was a little attention whoring going on,  but really I was trying to see if anyone else had received marks like mine and needed to vent.  There were only a couple of people I can talk to about any of this, and even then, they will only go so far.

A producer from a certain ancient astronaut theory supporting studio contacted me about my experiences.  We skyped and I shared my photos and experience.  They were doing a pilot for an alien abduction themed TV series, and I was asked to participate.

Having never, ever thought that posting those photos on the internet would end up putting me on TV, I agreed.  I thought it would be a good experience even though being on TV was way out of my comfort zone, and maybe it would lead to more opportunities in the future.

So there is a passed lie detector test (assessed by an ex-secret service agent), an EEG scan showing no anomalous brain activity and a regression hypnotherapy session of me on film.

I was happy with the results of tests, enjoyed a free trip to hell A and got to see what filming a TV show entails.  I’m not on Facebook or have any social presence but this is my shot to make my mark on the world. (lol)

Then I heard from other researchers about TV shows butchering what was said through editing.

Paranoia started to stir, thoughts of my niece, old friends seeing me twisting and turning in pain during the regression with sprinkled in soundbites taken out of context that would make Shia Leboeuf look stable.

I started writing a book detailing my experiences as a counter to any misrepresentation there might have been of me from the TV show.  It was thought at the time, I would be on the pilot shown across the world via the history channel.

I worked furiously on the book for a month or so, making nice progress, to then get an email stating the studio was no longer considering my material for the pilot.  Whamp whaaa…  My 15 seconds of UFO fame gone, buried in the depths of a studio server.

But I got really into writing my experiences out as the act of writing really helped me process and move past the seeming insurmountable walls of trauma.  Something I highly recommend for anyone who has gone through the abduction phenomenon.   Answers are illusive in this realm of human experience, but one can release the trauma behind the question.

This blog is a way for me to release my trauma and maybe help someone else process their own experiences.

Thanks for reading.  May Grace be with us!

Shadow People Encounters

It’s strange feeling love from a dark one, this horrific figure that stood and watched over me, a presence in my life that I actually gotten accustomed to, even felt protected by it at times.  The visual sightings stopped around age four or five  in my waking life.  I continued to have encounters with the large figure with no light coming from him.  The only features I could make out were, was it’s humanoid shape and the horns coming out of the top of its head.

The first encounter happened when I still very close to the ground from the perspective.  I could speak, maybe 18 months or so.   It might have something to do with me drowning when I was around that age.

I remember heading towards my parents bedroom.  There seemed to be something blocking me, like an intangible force.  Then I realized that there is this black shadow figure, towering over me, eclipsing the door frame.  I can’t see it’s eyes but I know it’s looking at me.  There’s wisps of black vapor evaporating from its body like the corona of a black sun.  Immediate dread and wailing ensued.  My parent retrieved me not seeing the creature.

I would see his shape a couple of more times as a small child, many times at my grandmother’s house where other odd things happened.

When I got in trouble and I used to say the devil made me do it.  I don’t think my mother realized that I actually meant the devil made me do it.   This character has been with me through most of life at the edge of my awareness. It’s true purpose and intention still somewhat a mystery to me.

It wasn’t until my early twenties that I had enough umph in my own being to  start untangling parts of my awareness back from the traumatic mess of events of that was my subconscious.   I started to meditate and trying to understand what Jesus meant by  “You shall do these things and more,” what love without conditions would be like, ya know stuff like that.

Right on que, I started to see my old Shadow Being, this time in my dreams.  He would tell me I was his father and that I belonged to him.  Many times I would be there with another one of his bloodline projects, my so-called brother.   He was a full on psychopath, a stockier, yet very similar version of me, but he was a tool, killing people in front of me for the fun of it.

My “father” would always offer me jobs that would require doing dome sort of heinous acts of violence.  Every time, I would refuse, saying, “No I’m not going to do that.  I’m not like y’all, no matter who you say you are.”  That would usually end the dream, my “father” furious, stewing.

The last time I saw the Devil in that dream setting, after once again refusing to go and kill people, he said, “You think you can escape me.  You’ll never be free of me.”

(Yawn, they always say shit like that)

That being turned out to be a large white snake humanoid that appears in  an ancient Egyptian tunic and necklace that looks like a horned voldemort except a more muscular build and scales for skin.

Just as we have a dream body or an astral body, I believe that some of inter dimensional creatures that watch and feed off humans also have a similar ability to project their conscious field of awareness across the quantum bands of space and time.   This form, though not physical still has these beings’ essence and their manipulative, demented spirit.

It’s hard for me not to link this creature to the form I “shape-shifted” into mentioned in my last blog post.  Awesome…